donderdag 30 juni 2011

Updates and new free version of X-Ray Attenuation Calculator

NFS Shift Unlocker: At least there is still one person out there who says the NFS Shift Unlocker doesn't work for a device. So I updated the Unlocker to make it easier for people to report if the Unlocker does not work (and hopefully the feedback will let me track down the bug for the unlucky few).

X-Ray Attenutation Calculator: I only now found out that achartengine 0.6 does not work on android 1.6, so I in the latest update I changed the requirements. Also a possible bugfix on screen rotation was fixed, and the size of the app was decreased.

X-Ray Attenutation Calculator Free:  I made a free version too for the X-Ray Attenuation Calculator. You can find it at

maandag 27 juni 2011

NFS Shift Bug Fixed!

I put an update on the market (version 2011.07b) of the Need For Speed SHIFT Unlocker tool. This should fix "app doesn't work" issues. Please update your tool from the market (free for all that bought the app).

Sorry for all inconveniences.  I didn't realize that data files were stored in different locations for different devices.

NFS Shift Unlocker bug for devices without sdcard

Found out that devices without sdcards don't like this app. Will update it tonight.

Little bug in NFS Shift Unlocker

Argh! Just found there is a small bug in the unlocker code. The tool crashes if it cannot find the necessary files! Sadly I cannot fix it until later this day!

If you bought my unlocker tool,  and it crashes on your device, I am really sorry: a fix will be available tonight. But do note that you must have the NFS Shift Game installed on your device, and have played the game at least once before you can use my unlocker!

Need For Speed Shift Unlocker

A new app for the market. My Need For Speed Shift game crashed on my tablet, and I did not want to start all over again. So I wrote this little tool to give me a little more cash to start my racing games. Because I cannot get past the drift levels, I decided to unlock all racing games. And since that is not enough to let me test drive all cars of the game: I gave myself all cars in the game.

Then I thought, maybe more people will want to help themselves a bit further in this great racing game. Thus NFS Shift Unlocker was born! Get it at

donderdag 16 juni 2011

Second App on the Android Market

I published a new app on the Android Market: X-Ray Attenuation Calculator. With the app you can inspect the x-ray linear mass attenuation coefficient for the different elements, display the location of the edges, and calculate the attenuation (or transmission) of a narrow beam of mono-energetic x-rays through a slab of this material of any thickness at any x-ray energy.

It's available at